Great, simple household cleaning solutions you can make yourself

Whether you are a young parent, a caretaker, or have a family member with severe reactions to home cleaning products, it’s always best to avoid harsh cleaning chemicals by making your own household cleaning solutions. According the Organic Consumer’s Association In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six, who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home.
As the number one cleaning company in the Tri-Cities, we use great cleaning products that are safe for the home and safe for people to use. We require integrity in both our cleaning practices as well as our cleaning products. Some of these household cleaning solutions cleaners work wonders and only require a couple of simple ingredients — like baking soda, vinegar, even lime for that fresh clean aroma.

Are you looking to make your own all-natural safe-to-use products? Follow some of these well-known recipes for convenience and ease:


We all need a great all-purpose cleaner for those instances we want to leave our surroundings looking great and smelling fresh. This one will do the trick. Just mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 quart of warm water and voila! Pour combination into a sponge and wipe down surfaces like kitchen counters, bathroom sinks and tubs, inside your refrigerator, any appliances you may have, and other easy to clean up surfaces.

Need to scrub down those crusty, grimy oven hoods and grills and leave them like (almost) new? Then try this easy to make grease cleaner. All you have to do is mix 1/2 cup sudsy ammonia with enough water to fill a one-gallon jug or container. Ammonia acts almost like a detergent in removing tough grime. Use by dipping a sponge in the solution and and wiping or scrubbing over the surface. 

Need something to clean that mirror or glass window full of little sticky fingerprints or dust? Then use this easy to make solution for cleaning glass surfaces. Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle for easy application. You can store it inside the bottle as well. Spray on a paper towel or soft cloth, then on the glass. 

• 2 cups water
• 1/2 cup white or cider vinegar
• 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol (70% concentration)


If you’re looking for a great cleaner for natural stone countertops, like marble and granite, this one should do the trick. Get two cups of warm water and mix in a drop or two of soft dishwashing liquid. Dip the sponge in and wash over the surface. Rinse completely to remove any soapy residue. It is recommended to give a final dry touch up with a soft cloth as water marks can often show up. As a warning, never use acidic cleaners on natural stone.

Did you know that Dura-Shine Clean only uses the most natural, environmentally-friendly household cleaning solutions products available? We go above and beyond industry standard to ensure the health and wellbeing of our clients and our planet. Looking for a cleaner with the same ideals as you? Contact us today for a free evaluation!


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