5 Back-to-School Cleaning Tips for your Classroom

Classroom Cleaning Tips

For kids returning to school this fall, their biggest challenge won’t be readjusting to the rigors of academics and to the structure of classroom learning. With the serious public health threat of the coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, what looms is avoiding contracting this deadly disease as teachers, staff, and administrators take unprecedented health and safety precautions to keep everyone safe this school year. 

It’s hard to over emphasize the deadly toll that COVID-19 has taken on adults and kids worldwide and in this country. In the U.S., more than 4.1 million children have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, accounting for 14.3 percent of all cases, according to the latest available data from the American Academy of Pediatrics. 

This mainly air-borne disease is highly transmissible and has killed more than 600,000 Americans, and there are more than 36 million cases nationwide. The recent emergence of the delta variant has placed more people at risk of contracting COVID, including people who have been vaccinated, leading to what are known as “breakthrough” cases. Public health officials have said the delta variant is extremely contagious, causing COVID cases to dramatically rise in much of the country. 

So it is understandable that the prospect for schools starting this month comes with some trepidation among school staff and families, as in-classroom learning returns following more than a year of remote learning. With schools now back in session, hygiene and safety will be front and center. 

It’s time to focus on vigorous cleaning and disinfecting measures that can be taken to ensure safety throughout the school grounds for students, teachers, and staff. 

In this space, we will present specific cleaning tips to keep classrooms disinfected and limit the spread of the coronavirus amidst the hustle and bustle of learning activities. 

5 Tips for Cleaning and Disinfecting Schools

It is essential that schools be cleaned and disinfected continually and that janitorial staff remain vigilant in their efforts to sanitize all areas of the school grounds, according to guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC. 

Here are some specific measures that janitorial staff can take to mitigate or prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the school building. 

  • Clean and Disinfect High-Touch Areas in the School

Although the coronavirus – which causes respiratory infections in people – is primarily transmitted through the air, the CDC warns that it is possible to transmit the disease by coming into contact with surfaces that have recently been exposed to the virus. Medical research by epidemiologists suggests that particles of the virus can survive on surfaces for not just hours, but days or even weeks. This is why hand washing and ensuring clean environments are useful in helping to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. 

Be sure that on a daily basis you disinfect and sanitize commonly touched areas such as desks, computer keyboards, classroom pencil sharpeners, chairs, faucet handles, and doorknobs. Any face shields that teachers wear should be cleaned, as well. 

  • Train Janitorial Staff in Disinfecting for COVID-19 

Although your custodial staff likely has ample experience in sanitizing and disinfecting, because the coronavirus is a relatively new phenomenon, there are certain measures that custodial staff should take to ensure the school premises are thoroughly cleaned in the era
of COVID. 

An example of this is Personal Protection Equipment, or PPE. These should always be utilized when cleaning and disinfecting the school building for COVID-19. This equipment includes gloves, goggles, and masks. 

It is recommended that your school janitorial staff have uniforms or coveralls that they are able to change out of at the end of their shift. This decreases the chances of bringing the virus back to their homes. Afterward, have a process in place to clean those clothes and tools.

Also emphasize the need to be hyper aware of hazard warnings and directions on cleaning product labels. Abstain from using these highly concentrated cleaning chemicals while students and staff are present or nearby.

  • Train Teachers in How to Clean the School Premises 

We know that a teacher’s job is very demanding and often means bringing work home with them. But it is to everyone’s benefit that teachers receive some basic guidance on how to keep the classrooms and other learning areas adequately cleaned. 

Whatever cleaning teachers can do in their classrooms will further decrease the chances of COVID-19 outbreaks from occurring.  Make sure teachers always don some gloves and eye protection. They should also be told that it can be hazardous to mix cleaning agents that can result in a toxic chemical reaction. 

Make sure cleaning agents of all types are kept from away from children. You may be surprised to know how dangerous even store-bought cleaning products can be for young children. Always error on the side of caution when engaging in cleaning activities. 

  • Include Deep Cleaning as a Supplement to Regular Cleaning

Cleaning and disinfecting the school premises in the current COVID age is an ambitious undertaking, considering what is at stake. But above and beyond regular cleaning measures, a deep cleaning is absolutely called for during these pandemic circumstances. In order to effectively combat the coronavirus, it is recommended that you hire the services of a commercial cleaning company. 

A professional cleaning crew will blanket the school with deep cleaning that will help to ensure the school building is ultra-sanitized and thoroughly disinfected. This advanced form of cleaning is beyond the scope of what teachers and janitorial staff can do.  Commercial cleaners are highly trained and skilled to thoroughly clean businesses and schools. They utilize electric and electrostatic disinfection systems to do their deep cleanings. 

Hiring a commercial cleaning team to clean and disinfect the school will also give peace of mind to school staff, parents, and students. 

Commercial cleaning companies will be armed with advanced disinfection technology in chemical dispersal, electric and electrostatic sprayers, etc. 

These powerful tools enable professional cleaners to conduct deep cleaning in all high traffic areas in a school. They are also likely to use eco-friendly commercial cleaning tools that will not negatively impact the environment. 


  • Schedule Cleaning and Disinfecting Jobs

Given how pervasive and transmissible the coronavirus is, frequent cleaning during the school day is a good idea. Enlist the aid of teachers, assistants, and other school staff in periodic cleaning tasks that could take place before students arrive in the morning, during recess, and even potentially between classes. Make sure to clean vigorously after students go home in the afternoon. 

A helpful idea is for staff and school administration to develop a classroom cleaning tips checklist that the whole school can follow. 

 Dura-Shine Clean – A Premier Cleaning and Maintenance Company

As COVID-19 continues to impact our lives in these challenging and uncertain times,
Dura-Shine Clean is prepared during this unprecedented time to clean and disinfect your school according to the protocols set forth by the CDC.

Dura-Shine Clean provides enhanced cleaning services for schools and businesses that include touch-point cleaning and electrostatic disinfection to help prevent the spread of harmful viruses, germs, and bacteria.

Dura-Shine Clean services clients in Kennewick, Pasco, Richland, Moses Lake, and Othello. 

Learn how Dura-Shine Clean can take care of your school’s or business’s cleaning needs today!  If you are interested in our commercial cleaning services, we invite you to complete our online contact form!


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